Meaning niche market
What does niche market mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word niche market. You can also add a definition of niche market yourself


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niche market

A specialised market in which a specific product is sold to a particular type or group of customers. A product or service for which there is sometimes little demand and often little or n [..]


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niche market

Definition A term used to describe a specialized segment of a particular market. For example, in the mortgage brokerage business, a niche market would be a specific group of potential borrowers with w [..]


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niche market

Niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing. It can be the area of a target market where a company or product is particularly strong. It can also refer to the vari [..]


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niche market

A small but potentially profitable market segment where custom-made products are designed for customers. Niche marketers are often reliant on the loyalty business model to maintain a profitable volume of sales.
Source: (offline)


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niche market

A niche market can be any specialized market from Christian , Self Help, Theraputic, Gardening, to weddings, a specific town or university, etc. If your game appeals to a niche market, make sure to find all the sales outlets in that market. For instance, many Christian book stores also carry games. If you have a wedding-themed game, look into showi [..]
Source: (offline)

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